FIND YOUR VOICE Inspiration for others…

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." -Mother Teresa

Many are afraid to speak because they are afraid of what others will say. You may be criticized or condemned. So they just keep quiet.

 It is said that if you don't say anything nice, don't talk.

That's right. But if you have something good to say you should just say it.

Roger Love says speaking is just like singing. We can change the tone of our voice as we wish.

Literally sometimes we don’t want our voice to be heard. There are people who sound like the cockroach and some have an oversized voice. If you don't like your voice, how can other people like it? 

According to him, like singing, many will be amazed how great is our voice. 

There are doctors or nurses who speak very soft to the patients but instead of making them happy, they lead their patients more weak ans=d sad. It is more convincing and motivating if they practice speaking with a joyful voice to their patients.

We need to focus on two, the tone and what you want to say or your message.

Don’t be shy to express yourself. On social media. Ignore any feedback. Chong TV said that he is not afraid of what others will say.

Words can build or destroy us… 

Ephesians 4:29,  "No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear."

So we will be careful what we say. If it is uplifting and instructive, everything you say can influence others. Others may be enticed or disgusted with you.

If what you are saying comes from anger, envy or pride, your words are likely to be bad and hurtful to others.

Never say anything if you are angry.

When we talk about good things we help others to gain new perspectives and inspiration. Besides, they will respect us and there is no barrier for us to gain their trust.

In reality, something good and beautiful happens to other people if we keep on telling them good stories about life.

This is the big challenge for new young people today. Find their voice not just literally but the message they want to convey to the world. 

Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, Proverbs 2: 3

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