The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.— Ralph Waldo Emerson


In this time of pandemic we have proven the good fruits of helping others. Even with the threat of danger and death due to the disease, our concern and sympathy for each other still prevailed.


We salute our frontliners who are ready to face the risk of pandemic for our survival.


It is true that not everyone is a fronliner but everyone can help in different ways.


Let me share these different ways.


There is direct and indirect helping. Direct help as doctors and nurses do to the patient. Just like our parent, child or any family member, dear brother or sister and friend who supports us when we are struggling or sick.


Indirect help is you let others do work to reach out those in need.


There is material or physical help and also spiritual help. Helping is not always financial or about money. We can help even if we are poor. it is by prayers and relief of sorrow in the will of others.


There is a difference between help that is planned and help that is not expected. Assistance planned includes preparation and pooling knowledge to help more. Unexpected help is help that is suddenly needed at an unexpected time. 

Often we admire people you never thought they could help. Like in the case of the viral "Maginhawa Community Pantry", maybe they just happen to realize the importance of being generous to those who in need, but it goes viral because of their initiative and the generosity of those who did the same.


Whether the help is big or small...the truth is, the basis of helping lies on the purity of intention. Whether the help is small or large, the important thing is that it comes from the willingness or sincerity of the person.


Our talents and skills are also a way of helping others. A way to lead them to success.

Whether open or secret, a help as long as it is good and from good intentions is a help to be emulated.


San Vicente De Paul says… there is no rich person who does not need help and no poor person who cannot give or share.


It is another challenge for today's youth to nurture in ourselves the grace of helping others.


Whatever you do to your neighbor, do it for the glory of God.


Let's not just expect others to help us. We can also be a channel of God's grace for those in need. Be a blessing to others.


Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16

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