LIFE IS ESSENTIAL According to Epictetus

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

The trials of our lives weaken our will, overwhelm our emotions, and confuse our minds.

Epictetus, a great philosopher or man who better understood the value of life. He was honored not only with theories but with proper training on how to live well and freely and in peace. 

According to Epictetus, all outside the occasion or situation is beyond our control; we should acknowledge whatever is happening quietly and impartially.

In any case or situation, the only answer we can give is for our own behavior, which we can see and control through careful self-control.

We don’t control everything.

There are things we struggle to cope with and some we cannot. Let us not confuse the two. There are things that are not in your force. This is what we should focus on analyzing the things that decide how we feel about a specific occasion, not just how we feel. 

He emphasized that to think about how we go through our time in this world, people often spend their lives in search of things that are not attractive or as important as suffering.

Don't be carried away by what others say. If you are someone who has been praised by some people, ignore them. You may think that you do not know enough or that you do not know what he is saying. If you accept that you are someone who is valuable to them, it is harder to truly know.

Accept the things that come to you - wealth, power, food, relationships, etc. - with grace and dignity, but do not desire them before they are granted to you. 

Someone responds negatively to an event - such as crying when their child goes to college - offering them sympathy and support, but notice that this event, does not affect others. The stranger in the corner did not cry. Why? 

It is not the incident that is negative, but the person’s opinion about it. Although you can offer external compassion and support, don’t let such events affect your emotion and temper.

Every day, remember that death may be near you. You will not spend your time for granted.

"Which would you rather have? Money or a loyal and good friend?"

You should also look at the skill, effort, time, and sacrifice that preceded the result. If you consider everything necessary for a task and why you still want to do it ... then only then should you proceed because you properly understand what is required.

Rainer Maria Rilke says… “Let everything happen to you beauty and terror  just keep going because it’s not too late”

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1: 2-4

Please subscribe to my youtube channel. Kuy@Joseph LS Goodlife Inspiration Channel.

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